Tribes of Dieu Trading Card Game
Tribes of Dieu TCG is the collectable trading card game based on chapters of the “Tribes of Dieu” Story. A tale of 12 tribes on planet Dieu.
TOD is a game where you can play casually or competitively in multiple different ways with any single tribe or multiple tribes & archetypes to create unique synergies, combos & field moves from your front or back row!
Become the most powerful sage in the history of Dieu! May your moko REIGN!
Dieu Tribal Banners 4 of 12
The first 4 tribe banners that will be introduced in "The Lucid Codex pt.1" Box Set
TOD News
Headlines & Stories
Dev Notes #2
January 25, 2022
We’ve been in development since June of last year & are so glad to have made it this far. If you're a member of the mailing list, you will receive dev notes from TODTCG game designer Xino! Join today & may your moko REIGN!

Game Walkthroughs
TOD Quick How to Play
Helping You Step-by-Step