Act I: Fall of The Shalu
Prelude from "The Lucid Codex" A TOD Original Story. (Act I, Fall of The Shalu) Years: 3000 B.G - 65 A.G
All tribes from every constellation are broken down into numbered generations based on the generations of Oorloh battles. Generations are the I, The II & so on etc. The beginning of ancient history of Dieu starts 3000 B.G (before generation I)
The Outermost consisted of 3 planets. Elara, Vesuvius & Dieu. The first lifeforms of Dieu were said to have been planted on the 2 continents by the deities of the constellations themselves. Craidels Roor & Udrea. With the lands consisting of 4 races. The Seniian,The Akkadi, The Rahsay & The Taaiju. In the beginning… 9 wise Seniian,1 Akkadi, 1 Rahsay, and 1 taaiju were given spirit visions in the night. Each were called from different walks of Dieu to witness the creation of the first fountain of spirit knowledge & energy called “The Everspring”. They were instructed by the deities to dip their faces. When they each dipped their faces into the Everspring they became Sage Demi-gods named “Shalu”. Each attuned to a constellation deity. The power to be attuned is based on the realm of the deities. The history & memory of all that is & was is ingrained in the god plane.
They were then told to go and build up the world & usher the will of the deities to keep balance on Dieu. Building & creating resource through attunement rituals with the deities & the fountain. Creating different walks of life for each constellation, representing way of life as a whole.
The names of the 12 Shalu were as follows: Shomari - Sikara, Osaro - Night Rose, Baturi - Grey Bull, Azhar - Divine Twin, Gamba - Mouton, Zee- Halcòn, Idia- Heartclaw, Zaria -New Dove / Old Dove, Ayone -Dragon Mist, Inamu- Angora, Koneya- Almira, Meilo - Anzi.
Dieu life before the first generation was about balance amongst the planet. With no set rule in power. This was once the will of the deities. There were no tribes. With the help of The Shalu; different Dieu regions created small civilizations; With trade through knowledge, barter, schooling, teachings of low-level attunements & small military/self-defense course. The 12 Shalu leaders also took on pupils to pass on certain level of attunement to build for the future ritual leaders.
Before the first generation, People of all kinds were allowed to roam freely through the lands of Craidels Roor & Udrea through “The Gedelta”; a spirit bridge created from land & dark matter by the deities for the first meeting of the 12 Shalu. The Shalu entrusted attunement of the vail to a family of poor fishermen. Who would forever bare twins to watch both ends of the bridge & permit those through. The Keepers of the bridge. The keepers of Gedelta.
The planet of Dieu lived in balance up until 10 B.G. Osaro of the 12 Shalu (The gazer of the night rose) schemed to use the powers of the deities to merge Dieu with a federation of others. Giving drinks of water from The Everspring of the star gazers to his followers amongst the difference reaches of Dieu. Not all followers show moral compass with attunement & would later be called “The Astral Tyde”. Osaro felt that each of the other 11 members were breaking the balance ordered by the deities by taking likings to certain pupils & teaching more advanced techniques to ones seen as special. In addition to secret relationships & marriages. Osaro felt he could do Dieu the best by controlling all of the 12’s power.
In 3 B.G After shifts in power dynamics in the land; war breaks out on the planet causing 3 years of corruption lead by “The Astral Tyde"; The Shalu find the attunement leaks were all started & being upheld by Osaro. The remaining 11 shalu decide to sacrifice themselves and their power to seal away Osaro inside a portal call “The Kazimu” a forever space of darkness in the multiverse & also binding the spirit energy & ancient knowledge of the 12 deities/ritual masters inside The Everspring.Osaro remains sealed away in an alternative space in pure darkness.
Before Shomari helped the Shalu seal Osaro in 3 B.G; he infused his love child with shalu Idia with the spirit blood of the sikara deity; altering the miero race & its first son “Ahlya” forever.
A new era begins on Dieu (A.G). The different creeds & races continued participating in the divinities of the constellations after the ritual leaders vanished. Some tribes kept ties to their constellations ritual master. New members in those tribes would be referred to as “newcomer”. The Tribes named themselves as follows
1.The Miero (Leo)
2.The Jahmu (Gemini)
3.The Nadrood (Virgo)
4.The Ukonin (Libra)
5. The Midel’kin (Capricorn)
6. The Redscar (Aries)
7.The Akkadi (Scorpio)
8.The Rahsu (Taurus)
9. The New Dove (Pisces)
10. The Wallachuu (Aquarius)
11.Vuurhart (Cancer)
12.The Moonshiree (Sagittarius)
Some left the world of the practicing divinities all together. Going rouge, migrating & crossing The Gedelta to the continent of Udrea; officially calling themselves & the “The ZuKhan” & banning the followings & practices of the ritual leaders! This would signify the beginning of the first generation of Dieu tribes.
As the lands went through trial for 65 years after the Great War. The Zukhan grow in militant number! No longer focusing on balancing ways of following ritual leaders & divinities; the Zukhan raise warriors. Masters at building, crafting, hand to hand combat & weaponry. The Zukhan’s military forces take open fields, part of Udrea region (western sections of Shantel, Greef Blee, part of Northern/Southern Bem) and declare those parts “The Empire of Zukhan”. Creating a gate around the empires control regions.
The use of attunement or following of divinities is forbidden in the empire. With Dieu out of balance & the 12 Shalu gone; The Keepers of the Gedetla would receive a night vision to only allow those worthy or purely unknowing to cross the spirit bridge to the opposite land.
After the declaration of the empire, spirit visions sent by the ancient shalu arrived to the leaders & chosen of the first generation of tribes on Dieu including the Zukhan. Signaling a call for the battle Oorloh held every 100 years in a secret land. The first being held at the end of that year. The winner of Oorloh will have The Everspring reanimated to their tribe's region to use for 100 years. As it is the will of the ancient ones for Dieu’s fate to be decided through their own will power.
No one actually knows what The Everspring looks like until they see it. The Everspring knows the heart and lineage of the one who has received it. The first winner of the Oorloh was The Great Fenyang. The last pupil of Gamba.
The Tribe lands of Craidels Roor operates based on trading & bartering good/necessities. They also participate in money economy of Gold & Silver herolds. A currency created by the empire after the treaty of 65 AG. They mainly use herolds for goods of rarity, higher quality or specific wants. The empire only runs on the herold economy.